Aeg lendab kiiresti. Selle aasta veebruari viimasel nädalavahetusel toimus Tallinna lähedal Viikingite külas üritus nimega „Viikingite Talvetrall“, kus ma pidasin ettekande Eesti muinasaja lõpu rõivastustest arheoloogiliste leidude põhjal. Lubasin loengu teha blogis avalikuks, ent video töötlemine jäi mitmel põhjusel venima. Nüüd täidan lõpuks lubaduse ning loengut saab kuulata ja vaadata siit.
Estonian 12th–13th century clothing based on archaeology
Time flies. At the last weekend of February this year, an event titled ‘Viking Winterfeast’ took place in the Viking village near Tallinn. Based on archaeological finds, I spoke about Estonian clothing in the 11th-13th centuries. I promised to make the lecture public on the blog. However, the video processing was delayed for several reasons. I finally fulfilled my promise, and you can listen to and watch the lecture here. Regrettably, the lecture is only in Estonian.